Not much water, though. The number of people in Titisan Village who wish to work in agriculture. Located in Sukalarang District, Sukabumi Regency, which is Indonesia's most fertile province West Java. A prosperous human life with plenty of natural richness in many different disciplines is substantially supported by environmental conditions. Being the boundary between Cianjur Regency and Sukabumi Regency, Titisan Village's location is highly favorable and located strategic. Officially recognized as village borders back from long time ago, Titisan Village was separated into five areas.
A major road divides the two
areas at the lower from the three areas at the higher place. The upper area is called as it is because of the place's elevation and closer to Mount Gede
Pangrango. People in the upper area rely on the economy in agriculture, farming,
and the shoe industry. I can't write what brands but nowadays they are the biggest
two. Meanwhile, the lower area focuses their economies on agriculture and home
industries. We didn't find many problems in the agricultural sector because the
farmers in Titisan Village are already familiar with modern agriculture.
One of
the problems that are being faced by farmers is a lack of funds and increasingly
limited land due to Land Use Rights (for a long time, they planted horticultural
crops on the government's land, but they were allowed to do an agricultural thing until
the government commands to take it for another reason), as well as many fields, was being sold to entrepreneurs. The villager's interest in agriculture has
significantly decreased compared to previous years. Especially for the
youngster, who tends to be unfamiliar with agriculture despite living in an
agrarian environment.
For people in the upper area of Titisan Village, water is
not an issue that needs to be solved. It's make sense because this village's
part is located in a higher area. However, for the lower area, water availability is very difficult to find at the moment, especially considering
that agriculture is the main role of the villager's economy. The main
characteristic of water is, the flow from higher places to lower places. What's the matter?
The higher area still has enough water reserves for the future, although not in
large quantities.
On the other side, the opposite thing is happening in the lower
area, which is currently running out of water even for daily needs, let alone
considering irrigation for agricultural land. Passion and motivation for agriculture are increasingly going down. The rice fields can't be irrigated
sufficiently, causing the rice to grow poorly and the horticultural plants can't
be harvested as well as they used to be.
A few years ago, people in the lower areas only
needed to dig seven meters and that was enough to get clean water. But now, they
need to dig twice depth as before and the amount of water obtained is not
much, now. The upper, which is a residential area and factory, has "sucked" up a
lot of water, leaving only residual water for the lower area. For factories, the
wells are dug as deep as two hundred meters or even more. What an irony.
Titisan Village's authorities are already aware of this issue and have met with
the factory representatives to find a solution to the water shortage problem. What
things should be considered are the sustainability of agricultural activities and the
need of clean water for future generations.
A suitable problem solution has not been found yet because this is also related to nature and the surrounding ecosystem.
If I am able to give suggestions, bio pore. The biopore technique involves
creating infiltration holes intentionally drilled to absorb water and
maintain the sustainability of microorganisms within.
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