Biopharmaca Cultivation Conservation Unit
Biodiversity, Agromedicine Industry, Traditional Plants
Biodiversity is a high-value national commodity for the development of the agromedicine industry in the world. The tendency of a back-to-nature lifestyle with the belief that consuming herbal medicines is relatively safer than synthetic drugs impacts the world's high demand for herbal medicines, and the prospects for the Indonesian medicinal plant market at home and abroad are getting bigger opportunities.
For hundreds of years,
Indonesian people have had a tradition of utilizing plants from the surrounding
environment as traditional medicine. This phenomenon has continued to increase
since the economic crisis in 1997, which caused the price of synthetic drugs to
soar high because most of the raw materials for synthetic drugs are imported
commodities. One of the government's efforts through the Directorate General of
the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) in supporting the development of
Indonesia's herbal medicinal plant agro-industry is the determination of 13
leading herbal medicinal plant commodities, namely temulawak, Dutch teak,
sambiloto, noni, gogo, purple leaves, sanrego, pegak bumi, cumin leaves,
kencur, nutmeg, cashew, and tempuyung, with the consideration that these
commodities have high economic value, have market opportunities, and have high
production potential, as well as opportunities for technological development.
General Description The Biopharmaca Cultivation Conservation Unit
One of the institutions in West Java
that produce medicinal plants (biopharma) is the Biopharmaca Cultivation Conservation
Unit located in Block C of Cikabayan Experimental Garden, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.
The UKKB farm cultivates biopharma plants, a land of 2.8 hectares, and cultivates 310 medicinal plants
consisting of collection and commercial plants. Among the medicinal plants cultivated
in the UKBB garden are sambiloto, dutch teak, sidaguri, aloe vera, bangle, brotowali, pegagan, purple leaf, crown of gods, noni, neem, guava, betel green leaf, temulawak, ginger, and turmeric. Curcuma longa (Curcumae
xanthoriza rhizoma), Gotu kola (Guazumae folium), and Crown of Gods (Phaleria macrocarpa) are the main
commodities in each type in the UKKB garden.
The Center for Biopharmaca Studies has 3 subdivisions, the Biofarmaca Cultivation Conservation Unit (UKBB) garden, Service Laboratory, and PT Biofarmaka Indonesia. Although the three subdivisions of the IPB Biopharmaca Study Center are under one, they have their own management, both in organization, management, and finance. The UKBB garden remains under the Head of the Center for Biopharmaca Studies of IPB. The Head of the Center for Biopharmaca Studies of IPB oversees the Head of the Division of Natural Resources Development and Biopharmaca Cultivation and directly supervises the Operational Manager of the UKBB Farm. The UKBB Farm Operations Manager oversees the Farm Engineering Manager and staff. Tags organizational structure is a straight type because the garden focuses on production and doesn't require too many employees. This is intended to facilitate career development, and employees are expected to understand the overall performance dynamically.

Area Potential, Medicinal Plants, Educational Tourism
UKBB garden has the potential as a place to explore, develop, and utilize
various types of Indonesian medicinal plants, becoming an educational tourism
site. This UKKB not only sells and produces raw material products in the form
of simplisia but also produces handicraft materials from unused biomass or the
Harvest. Hopefully, with the UKKB, we know more about various kinds of medicinal plants
and their derivative products.
Area Benefits, Warehouse, Simplisia
The UKKB garden is a unit under the IPB Biopharmaca study center located in Block C of the Cikabayan Experimental Garden. This Biofarmaka garden has three areas that can be visited for educational tourism. The first area of lower plants that are useful as medicinal raw materials with approximately 90 types of medicinal plants such as dewa leaves, kenikir, and Black Amethyst. Then, the display area of forestry plants that have medicinal benefits such as cinnamon, eucalyptus, etc., and the last is the treatment and simplisia warehouse which is useful for propagating and making Simplicia intended for medicinal products.
Several activities in the biopharma garden, including knowing various types of medicinal plants, seeing various forms of processed products from medicinal plants (oil, capsules, syrup, etc.), practicing planting medicinal plants, and making simplisia. In addition, this garden is also useful as a conservation and research unit included in the Indonesian Herb Journal. The benefits of the UKKB as a place of research on various types of rare plants that contain medicinal properties, then as a tourist spot because there are several displays we can visit and managed by Agroedutourism IPB, then as a place of production of various types of medicinal raw materials because of the nursery and cultivation marketed through PT Biofarindo since 2005.
Area Problems
There are several problems in the UKBB area, including its remote location, lack of information about plant species, management, marketing, and poorly maintained display areas for lower plants and production sites.
The first problem is this hidden place located in Block C of Cikabayan Experimental Garden, because this place is intended for
research and conservation of rare medicinal plant germplasm so that not many
people can pass by to pick medicinal plants and also medicinal plants need shelter to survive and that appropriate
because there are many forestry trees. Lack of information because there are
not many blogs or websites that explain about UKKB both in terms of the types
of plants and their management. Only the website is managed by
LPPM whose content is about research in the field of biofarmaka and uploaded to
the Indonesian Herbal Journal. Lack of maintenance of the display place because some lower plant
displays are not clear enough, because the weeds cover medicinal plants, and hard to identify them as well as the
cultivation place because the land is not clean enough to be used as a nursery
and cultivation. The processing place is traditionally done because UKKB aims to provide raw
materials so that the products are simplisia.

Problem Solution
By providing a map and Agroedutourism
IPB has made it. However, there are some notes about the lack of
promotion of UKKB so not many people know about it, especially the
The second problem can be overcome
by promotion on various social media platforms, especially Instagram. If we
rely on the website for now, not many young people are interested in studying medicinal
plants because the promotion is still old-fashioned. Therefore, to promote it,
several videos were made about the benefits and processing of medicinal plants
in UKKB, along with their economic prospects, and we hope that LPPM won't only
display research in difficult language for the public to understand but also
have simple promotional that can be understood by all groups, like
advertisements, brochures, or banners.
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